Signs, symptoms and treatment of urinary incontinence

2021-12-14 09:41:48 By : Ms. Lily. Peng

This is nothing to be ashamed of, and it's more common than you think. This is all the information you need to know about signs, treatment, etc.

Although most women feel comfortable talking about their menstrual periods, bladder leaks usually do not have the same performance. But urinary incontinence, which is a medical term for out-of-control bladder, is much more common than many of us realize.

According to the Mayo Clinic, urinary incontinence affects one in four women. Although you may have heard that leaks only occur with age, many young women also struggle with it. "This is not just a problem for the elderly," said Lauren Streicher, MD, professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. "We have seen this in young women."

"If you are sitting at a table with ten women, some of them are peeing their pants, or at some point."

Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, MD, a comprehensive women’s health expert, says that almost all women experience some form of urinary incontinence during their lifetime. "Whether it is during childbirth, after childbirth, or later in life, it is best to be notified and not be caught off guard," she said. Basically, if you find yourself leaking a little urine after giving birth or skipping rope during exercise, don't panic-you are not the only one who has experienced this.

However, this does not mean that you should remove it. Controlling leaks (such as lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises, and products such as TENA incontinence pads and underwear) may be easier than you realize. Here is what you need to know and how to get relief.

You may know when you have it, but just in case, it will never hurt to double-check the symptoms. We asked Christine Greves, MD, an obstetrician and gynecologist at the Winnie Palmer Maternity and Child Hospital to outline the most common signs:

There are many reasons that may lead to your disclosure. According to the US Office of Women’s Health, these are some of the most common causes:

Several factors can influence finding the right treatment plan. "The solution depends on the severity, duration, and characteristics of the incontinence," said Dr. Gilberg-Lenz, including the extent of its damage to your life.

"Try to figure out why you have urinary incontinence," Dr. Graves said. If you suspect that constipation is the cause of the leak, she recommends that you increase your fiber intake. If you are overweight or obese, discuss your weight loss options with your doctor. And, if you have a baby recently, it is worthwhile to try Kegel, Dr. Graves said.

If your incontinence is mild or moderate, pelvic floor therapy may also help. However, if you are not a candidate for this therapy (or you don't want to try this therapy), the right product that can draw moisture from the genital skin and protect it from infection and inflammation is crucial, says Dr. Gilberg-Lenz , Especially when you work with your doctor to treat the root cause of the leak. Her suggestion: try TENA pads or underwear. "It is for these reasons that they are excellent," she said. "From daily use to sleep to exercise, there is actually one for every activity, because'I will definitely leak' to'just in case.'"

These thin pads are ideal for stress urinary incontinence and lighter leaks.

These breathable cushions are ideal for severe urge incontinence and provide protection from leaks, odors, and moisture.

Looking for a higher absorption rate? These pads help prevent severe leaks and surges while maintaining comfort.

These pads are designed for night use and help you stay dry and comfortable when you lie down.

It's really hard to tell. "We are used to being ashamed of these bodily functions, so we don't share them freely," said Dr. Gilberg-Lentz. Think about it: It’s embarrassing enough for women to talk about normal urination, let alone admit that they are dealing with incontinence when things don’t work as they used to. (Shh! Dr. Gilberg-Lentz discussed this topic in detail in the TENA incontinence interview, if you want to learn more.) Unfortunately, the taboos related to this topic directly affect your ability to get help, Gil Dr. Berg says-Lenz: Research has found that it may take women six to eight years to seek help for urinary incontinence.

But experts emphasize that urinary incontinence is indeed very common. "If you are sitting at a table with 10 women, some of them are peeing their pants, or at some point," Dr. Stretcher said.

If you are experiencing this condition, the doctor says it is important to inform your healthcare provider. "It is important to evaluate how this condition affects you and whether it is related to any other serious health problems that need to be addressed," said Dr. Gilberg-Lentz. Bottom line: If your doctor doesn't know it's happening in the first place, it won't be able to help you solve your urinary incontinence problem.

TLDR; if you are struggling with urinary incontinence, please consult your doctor. They should be able to guide you through the next steps, including how to find viable solutions for you, which may include products such as TENA incontinence pads and underwear, diet changes or pelvic floor treatments.